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How to solve the processing difficulties of aluminum alloy parts?
2023-12-15 11:28:18

How to solve this problem about the processing difficulties of aluminum alloy parts, I believe that many friends in the machining industry want to know, in order to help you solve these 1 problems, the following small series summarizes some past experience, to give you a simple tell: non-standard parts processing

Aluminum alloy parts processing difficulties sometimes make our operators particularly helpless:

Due to the problem that deformation affects the size and shape and position tolerance of parts in mechanical processing, the processing method of high speed, low feed and low depth of cut is used to complete the processing of all related dimensions of parts through one clamping, thus reducing the deformation caused by excessive cutting force in the processing process of parts, avoiding the error caused by the non-coincidence of processing reference and design reference, and improving the dimensional accuracy and shape and position accuracy of parts.

1. The question raised:

In the machining process of parts, deformation is often caused by internal stress, especially in the processing of non-ferrous light metals such as aluminum and magnesium alloys. Warping, side bending and distortion caused by internal stress occur frequently, which will seriously affect the processing quality and processing efficiency of parts, especially for thin-walled and thin-plate parts. How to minimize or eliminate the deformation of parts to ensure product quality and production efficiency has been our research topic for many years.

2. Cause analysis:

In order to improve the processing and use performance of aluminum alloy, it is necessary to improve the strength by heat treatment (quenching treatment and aging treatment) before processing. The material produces a large internal stress during the quenching process, and the aging process cannot completely release the internal stress generated during the quenching process.

In the subsequent machining process, new cutting stress is generated. With the continuous removal of materials, the equilibrium state of internal stress is broken, and the internal stress is redistributed until the new equilibrium process is reached, resulting in deformation, which makes the parts lose their due machining accuracy. And when the stress on the surface of the part exceeds the strength limit of the material, cracks will occur.

3. Solution:

For the above reasons, for aluminum alloy thin-walled, thin plate parts using the "sleeve material" method for processing. The "sleeve material" method is a processing method that takes out the parts from the blank after all the dimensions are processed at one time.

The material process includes milling top → rough milling cavity → rough milling shape → finish milling shape → finish milling cavity → finish milling bottom surface → point (drill) hole → cut off and other processes.

Since the whole process is completed in a clamping, before cutting, because the parts are connected with the bottom surface of the blank material, the generation of internal stress will not cause large deformation of the parts, and the size of the parts is stable during the whole process.

When cutting, it is necessary to make the blank material and the part material have 0.1mm adhesion on the bottom surface to ensure that the parts have sufficient strength to resist the cutting stress generated during the processing in the whole "sleeve material" process. Non-standard parts processing

After the part is cut from the blank, although the part is deformed due to stress release, the relative dimensions of the part will not change, and all dimensions and shapes of the bottom surface can be restored correctly only by adding correction procedures to level the bottom surface.

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