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    CNC machining accuracy

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    2023-12-12 17:14:22
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The accuracy of CNC Machining refers to the degree of conformity between the surface and contour of the machined work and the requirements of the numerical control programming instructions. CNC machine tools use computer-controlled numerical control system to cut the workpiece through the path and speed specified by numerical control programming, so it has high machining accuracy.

The accuracy of CNC machining is mainly affected by the following factors:

1. The accuracy of the numerical control system: the numerical control system is the core part of the machine tool processing according to the programming requirements, and its accuracy will directly affect the machining accuracy. The accuracy of the CNC system mainly includes position accuracy, repeated positioning accuracy and interpolation accuracy. Position accuracy refers to the deviation between the machining point of the machine tool and the programmed position instruction; repeated positioning accuracy refers to the deviation of the machine tool returning to the same position in multiple processing; interpolation accuracy refers to the accuracy of the machine tool when performing high-speed interpolation motion according to the numerical control instruction.

2. The rigidity and stability of the machine tool: The rigidity and stability of the machine tool refer to the resistance and deformation ability of the machine tool to external forces during the working process, which directly affects the machining accuracy. If the rigidity of the machine tool is insufficient, bending and vibration are prone to occur during the processing, which affects the processing accuracy.

3. The accuracy of cutting tools: cutting tools are an important part of cutting, and their accuracy will also affect the machining accuracy. The diameter of the cutting tool, the number of blades, the material of the tool and the wear condition of the cutting edge will affect the machining accuracy.

4. Workpiece clamping accuracy: The clamping method and clamping accuracy of the workpiece will also affect the machining accuracy. The workpiece clamping is not firm or the clamping accuracy is not high, which will cause the position of the workpiece to deviate during the processing, thereby affecting the processing accuracy.

In order to improve the accuracy of CNC machining, the following measures can be taken:

1. Select high-precision CNC system: When selecting a CNC system, it should consider its position accuracy, repeated positioning accuracy and interpolation accuracy, and try to choose a high-precision CNC system.

Selection of high rigidity and stability of the machine: in the choice of machine tools, should pay attention to the rigidity and stability of the machine, as far as possible to choose the rigidity and stability of the machine.

3. Select high-precision cutting tools: When selecting cutting tools, pay attention to their diameter, number of edges, material and wear conditions, and try to choose high-precision cutting tools.

4. Strengthen the accuracy of workpiece clamping: When clamping the workpiece, attention should be paid to the firmness of clamping and the accuracy of clamping. Auxiliary clamping tools such as clamps can be used to ensure the stability of the workpiece position during processing.

In short, the accuracy of CNC machining is affected by multiple factors such as CNC systems, machine tools, cutting tools, and workpiece clamping. By selecting high-precision CNC systems, machine tools and cutting tools, as well as enhancing the accuracy of workpiece clamping, the accuracy of CNC machining can be improved. This is very important for some processes and industries that require high precision.




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