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    ultrasonic lathe processing

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    2023-12-14 17:59:49
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Ultrasonic Lathe processing is the 1 kind of ultrasonic vibrator will be the relative motion between the cutting tool and the workpiece is transmitted to the cutting tool, to achieve the cutting of the workpiece 1 advanced processing technology. Compared with traditional lathe processing, ultrasonic lathe processing has many advantages, such as high precision processing of hard and brittle materials, high precision processing of small size parts and high efficiency processing of difficult materials.

The principle of ultrasonic lathe processing is to use ultrasonic vibrator to convert electrical energy into mechanical vibration energy, and transmit the vibration energy to the cutting tool through the clamping device to generate high frequency vibration. In the process of machining, the cutting tool is constantly moving on the workpiece, and the ultrasonic vibration is generated on the workpiece, so that the micro cutting layer on the surface of the workpiece is continuously destroyed and removed. By repeating this process, the cutting of the workpiece is finally realized.

One of the advantages of ultrasonic lathe machining is the high precision machining of hard and brittle materials. Traditional lathe processing for hard and brittle materials, often produce greater tool wear and workpiece damage, it is difficult to achieve high-precision processing. The ultrasonic lathe processing can reduce the cutting force and the heat affected zone of the workpiece surface through the action of high frequency vibration, reduce the wear of the cutting tool, and can effectively control the thickness of the cutting layer, improve the machining accuracy.

The second advantage of ultrasonic lathe processing is that it can realize the high precision processing of small size parts. Because the frequency of ultrasonic vibration is high, it can produce small vibration displacement, so it can realize the high precision processing of small size parts. However, due to the low vibration frequency, the traditional lathe processing can not realize the fine processing of small size parts.

The third advantage of ultrasonic lathe processing is that it can realize the efficient processing of highly difficult materials. Difficult materials, such as high melting point metals, high hardness materials, tend to have a higher cutting difficulty, the traditional lathe processing efficiency is often low. Ultrasonic lathe processing through the power of high frequency vibration, can effectively reduce the cutting force and heat influence, improve the processing efficiency, improve the processing ability of difficult materials.

In summary, ultrasonic lathe processing is the 1 advanced processing technology with many advantages. It can realize the high precision machining of hard and brittle materials, the high precision machining of small size parts and the high efficiency machining of difficult materials. With the continuous progress of science and technology, the application range of ultrasonic lathe processing will be more and more widely, which will play an important role in improving the processing efficiency and product quality.




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