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To prevent CNC machining deformation or machining offset
2023-12-15 11:35:40

CNC Machining when the need to pay attention to the place:

1. in the CNC processing operation machine, safety first;

2. Before CNC machining, the tool, safety height and cutting data of the program must be checked first;

3. Before clamping the workpiece, deburring must be carried out to determine whether the actual size of the workpiece is consistent with the size of the drawing. The electrode material must pay attention to whether it interferes with the fixture after clamping;

4. To clamp the workpiece, first determine whether the treatment fixture (Erowa,wise) is accurate, otherwise, it needs to be recalibrated. When the workpiece is clamped, attention should be paid to the proper clamping force to avoid deformation of the workpiece;

5. Finishing tools must first measure the tool diameter, and then measure whether there is deflection on the spindle after clamping to ensure accuracy. Shenzhen CNC Machining;

6. When processing, always pay attention to finding problems and communicate with CAM personnel to achieve the best processing method to process the high quality workpiece;

7. In order to prevent CNC machining deformation or machining offset, attention should be paid to whether the rough machining allowance is sufficient, and the workpiece must be corrected again after rough machining;

8. After CNC machining is completed, the main dimensions of the workpiece (by the height of the broken surface) shall be measured and the wear of the finishing tool shall be detected.

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