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    High Hard CNC Machining

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    2023-12-15 14:53:58
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High-hardness CNC Machining is the 1 kind of advanced processing technology widely used in the manufacturing industry, which is characterized by high-precision processing of high-hardness materials. This paper will elaborate on the definition, principle and application field of high hard CNC machining.

High-hardness CNC machining refers to the use of computer numerical control (CNC) technology to process high-hardness materials in the 1 processing methods. High hardness materials usually have high compressive strength and hardness, such as steel, iron, alloys, etc. Due to the particularity of high hardness materials, the traditional processing methods are often unable to meet the requirements of high-precision processing, while CNC machining is controlled by computer to accurately control the movement of tools, to achieve high-precision processing of high hardness materials.

The principle of high hard CNC machining mainly includes the numerical control system, the relative position relationship between the tool and the tool movement, the fixture and the workpiece 3 aspects. First of all, the numerical control system controls the coordinated movement of each part in the processing process, and automatically adjusts the trajectory and speed of the tool according to the preset program and instructions to realize the processing of high hardness materials. Secondly, the tool is the main tool to perform the processing task, select the appropriate tool type and shape according to the processing requirements, and control its motion trajectory and speed through the computer. Finally, the fixture plays a role in fixing the workpiece to ensure that the relative position relationship between the workpiece and the tool is stable to ensure the machining accuracy.

High hard CNC machining has a wide range of applications. First of all, in the field of aerospace, the use of high-hard materials is an important means to improve the durability and performance of key components such as aero-engines and spacecraft, and high-hard CNC machining can achieve precision machining of these key components and improve their surface quality And precision. Secondly, in the automotive industry, the use of high-hardness materials can improve the strength and rigidity of auto parts, and high-hardness CNC machining can achieve high-precision machining of these parts and improve the reliability of their assembly and use. In addition, in the mold manufacturing, weapons and equipment manufacturing, electronic equipment manufacturing and other industries, but also widely used in the high-hard CNC machining technology.

The advantages of high-hard CNC machining are mainly reflected in two aspects. First of all, high-hard CNC machining has high machining accuracy and reliability. Due to the use of computer control, the processing of high-hardness materials can achieve high-precision control, avoid the influence of human factors on the processing quality, and improve the reliability of processing. Secondly, high-hard CNC machining can achieve high-efficiency production and flexible processing. Compared with the traditional manual processing and traditional machine tool processing, high hard CNC machining can not only realize automatic production, greatly improve the production efficiency, but also can quickly switch and adjust different workpieces, improve the flexibility of processing.

However, high-hard CNC machining also presents some challenges. First of all, the processing of high-hardness materials will cause greater wear and damage to tools and materials such as cutting edges and cutting fluids, increasing processing costs and production cycles. Secondly, due to the high compressive strength of high hardness materials, large cutting force and cutting temperature will be generated during the machining process, which will easily lead to tool breakage and a decrease in the surface quality of the workpiece. In addition, the equipment and technical requirements of high-hard CNC machining are higher, the investment cost is higher, and the technical level and experience of the operators are higher.




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