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    Laser CNC machining

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Laser CNC Machining is the 1 CNC machining method based on laser technology, which uses the high-energy beam emitted by the laser to cut, engrave and punch the workpiece. Compared with traditional machining methods, Laser CNC machining has the advantages of high precision, fast speed and high degree of automation, and is widely used in manufacturing industry in all walks of life.

The principle of laser CNC machining is to focus the laser beam on the workpiece by controlling the output power and focal length of the laser, so that the surface generates a high temperature and high energy heat source, so that the material of the workpiece changes chemically or physically. During the cutting and engraving process, the laser beam will move along a predetermined path to evaporate or melt the material on the workpiece, thereby achieving precise control of the shape and size of the workpiece.

The application field of laser CNC machining is very wide. In the electronics industry, laser CNC machining can be used to cut circuit boards, punch holes and solder electronic components. In the automotive industry, laser CNC machining can be used to cut auto parts, punch and lettering. In the medical industry, laser CNC machining can be used to manufacture artificial joints, dental equipment and medical equipment. In the aerospace industry, laser CNC machining can be used for cutting aircraft parts, punching and lettering.

The advantages of laser CNC machining are mainly reflected in the following aspects. First of all, because the laser beam is a non-contact processing tool, laser CNC processing can realize the processing of complex-shaped workpieces, avoiding the contact between the tool and the workpiece in traditional machining, and reducing the wear and damage in the processing process. Second, laser CNC machining can be achieved on a variety of materials, including metal, non-metal and composite materials. Thirdly, laser CNC machining has high machining accuracy and speed, and can complete complex machining tasks in a short time. Finally, laser CNC machining is 1 very flexible processing method, which can adjust the processing path and parameters at any time according to the needs to achieve diversified processing requirements.

However, laser CNC machining also presents some challenges and limitations. First of all, the quality of the laser and the beam has an important influence on the processing effect, so the selection and adjustment of the laser requires certain professional knowledge and experience. Secondly, laser CNC machining has higher requirements for workpiece materials, and some high-temperature sensitive materials may be deformed or damaged. Third, the price of laser CNC machining equipment is higher, and for some small businesses, the cost of purchasing and maintaining laser CNC machining equipment may be higher.




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